Please refer to the list below for some brief answers to Frequently Asked Questions or tthe Buyer’s Guide for an explanation of the order process.

If you have other questions not listed here or need help with an order, feel free to Contact Us.

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How is my ship delivered?

Ships are delivered directly to your inbox through a gift email sent directly from Roberts Space Industries. The gifting process is important for safety because it logs which email a gift was sent to and account it was claimed by to guarantee that you are the new owner.

The address receiving a gift email does not need to match the address of your Star Citizen account.

You simply need to be logged in to the Star Citizen account you wish to claim your ship or item on when clicking on the gift link in and it will be automatically added to your hangar.

If you have more than one account, make sure that you are logged in to the correct one before clicking the gift link because items can only be gifted once and cannot be re-gifted.

If your ship is meant as a gift for someone else, simply forward them the email containing the gift link, but make sure not to share the gift link with anyone else because you will be the only one who knows it and a gift can only be claimed once.

When will my ship arrive?

We endeavor to deliver orders as fast as possible.

During operating hours, most ships are delivered in a matter of minutes to a few hours. The vast majority of orders are delivered within 12 hours and very rarely will a ship ever take more than 24 hours to deliver.

If there is a delay with your order, we will do our best to reach out to keep you informed about the available options and expected timeframe.

If your order has been marked as delivered but you do not see a gift email from Roberts Space Industries, first check your spam folder and then contact us. Sometimes gift emails do not arrive and will need to be redelivered.

What is an upgraded ship?

An upgraded ship is one that started as a pledge for a different ship (called the “base pledge”) and has been transformed through the use of ship upgrades into the one you have ordered.

This is often done when the base pledge has Lifetime Insurance, since the insurance is carried forward with the upgrade.

Upgrading a ship not only changes the ship, but can sometimes add extra items or insurance depending on the upgrade that was used.

However, one thing it never does is change the pledge title.

What is Insurance?

Insurance is a complex mechanic in Star Citizen but loosely speaking it ensures that your ship will be replaced if it be destroyed or stolen.

Time on an insurance policy does not start counting down until the game has launched.

For many players, Lifetime Insurance (or LTI) is considered a must-have and is the most popular—especially for players with large fleets. We also offer lower levels of insurance such as 10 years (near-LTI), years and months for those who just want a great ship at a better price.

For additional information on Insurance, refer to the RSI Ship Insurance FAQ.

Duplicate or multiple insurance

This is the byproduct of an upgrade path utilising ship upgrades which add additional insurance. Any extra insurances will be removed in the future, so as long as your ship contains at least the level of insurance as you ordered then it is no cause for concern.

To quote Roberts Space Industries,

"The highest level insurance will override all other plans, with the lower level ones set to be removed at a later date.”

Source: RSI Ship Upgrades FAQ

What types of products do you sell?

There are several different types of products we sell, such as:

- Upgraded with Lifetime Insurance: the most common and our default. Any ship that doesn’t specify an insurance in the title is assumed to be this type, but it will be mentioned in the item description.

- Upgraded with 10 Years insurance: a slightly cheaper ship with insurance that is almost as good as LTI.

- Upgraded with 6 Months insurance: usually the cheapest available and provided for those who don’t really care about insurance.

- Standalone/Original Concept: the most expensive kind of ship because of rarity/exclusivity and bonus items included in the original pledge. These are usually LTI, but will specify in the product description or images.

- Paints: ship paints and skins to apply in-game.

- Gear/Subscriber Items: wearables or decorations for use in-game.

- Game Packages: items that contain access to the Star Citizen Persistent Universe. One of these is required on your account in order to play the game, regardless of how many individual ships you own.

Can I refund my order?

Contact us as soon as you wish to cancel your order and make sure not to click on any gift links from Roberts Space Industries if your order has been delivered, which would result in claiming your ship.

An order cannot be refunded once it has been claimed due to the Roberts Space Industries gifting policies which make it a permanent transfer and impossible to return to us.

Once an order has begun processing, there may be a cancellation fee of up to 10% which can be applied towards your next order.

Lastly, any item in your order which has taken more than 24 hours to deliver, and we have not communicated a reason for the delay and been given your acceptance for late delivery, is not subject to the above cancellation fee.

Can I re-gift my ship?

Unfortunately, not. A gifted item can only be claimed once and cannot be re-gifted.

Instead, it is best to forward the gift e-mail from Roberts Space Industries directly to the person you are gifting to as you will be the only person who knows the gift link.

I received an email for the wrong ship

Most likely you are seeing a gift email from Roberts Space Industries that says you have received a gift for a cheaper ship than the one you ordered.

This is because the email contains only the name of the “base pledge” which is the original ship yours started out as and was upgraded from.

Rest assured that upon clicking the gift link to claim your ship, it will list the one you have ordered on the congratulations screen.

If you have any questions or are still concerned, please refer to our Buyer's Guide or contact us and we can provide a screenshot of the pledge contents for your peace of mind before claiming your ship.

I can’t find my ship

Have you clicked your gift link to claim your ship? Pledges are listed by date, newest first, in your Hangar on the Roberts Space Industries website. Most commonly, the pledges we send are at least a few months old, so it may not be listed as the most recent item for you. Often, switching the page filter to “Standalone Ships” can help you find it easier.

If you mean that you are unable to spawn your ship it may be that yours is still in concept and not “Flight-ready.” We do our best to identify ships that are not flight ready on the product pages. Rest assured that you will still get to fly it in the future, but in the meantime you will have been provided a ship of similar size/function according to the RSI Loaner Ship Matrix.

Lastly, if you purchased a ground vehicle, you may need to go to a planetary location and use a ground terminal to spawn your vehicle.